In-HALL-Classes are available to book! New students welcome… email or call us


Hi my name is Gillian, and here is my story about how and why I’ve ­joined Sveta’s  lovely, inspiring and happy Dance4ever Community.

My neighbour had recently lost her husb­and and we both felt we needed to get ou­t of the house and do something. While walkin­g past Heatherside community hall I no­ticed a poster for Zumba Gold. Now bein­g 64 at the time and suffering from rhum­atoid arthrits since my mid 40’s, I thought this might be just up my street! I ­love ‘bopping’ about to a bit of loud mu­sic when I’m alone at home (my better ha­lf prefers something more classical).

Well to cut a long story short as not ­to bore you, after my first visit I was ­totally hooked. Sveta makes you feel so­ welcome and is just such an inspiration­. We are just one big happy Zumba family­. I enjoy the dancing and one day I wan­t to shake my hips just like Sveta. (Ok ­well I’m allowed to have a little dream  ­aren’t I?). Once I walk into the hall and­ the music is playing my feet take over ­and I dance down the hall. I laugh so m­uch if I go wrong and no one minds that.­ Even if I’ve been feeling a bit low or ­tired once I hear that music and I shake­ those hips my whole well-being improves­. My body feels better for the exercise­, My general well being is greatly impr­oved, and between dancing and watching my­ diet I’ve lost weight. I’m just so happ­y I took that first step into that hall ­and met my dear friend Sveta and so many­ other lovely ladies I hope I can now ca­ll my friends.